Crate volatile_register [] [src]

Volatile access to memory mapped hardware registers


use volatile_register::{RO, RW, WO};

/// A struct that represents the memory mapped register block for the GPIO
/// (General Purpose I/O) peripherals.
pub struct Gpio {
    /// Control Register
    cr: RW<u32>,
    /// Input Data Register
    idr: RO<u32>,
    /// Output Data Register
    odr: WO<u32>,
    // .. more registers ..

/// Accessor to the register block associated to the GPIOA peripheral
fn gpioa() -> &'static Gpio {
    const ADDRESS: usize = 0x40010800;

    unsafe { &*(ADDRESS as *const Gpio) }

/// Accessor to the register block associated to the GPIOC peripheral
/// NOTE(unsafe) This function hands out mutable aliases to a single address.
unsafe fn gpioc_mut() -> &'static mut Gpio {
    const ADDRESS: usize = 0x40011000;

    unsafe { &mut *(ADDRESS as *mut Gpio) }



Read-Only register


Read-Write register


Write-Only register